Current Events
Sharing amazing experiences with like minded oenophiles.
Recent Events ... highlights Commanderie activities from across the United States over the last twelve months.
Building and expanding our collective knowledge and
understanding of Bordeaux wines in convivial environments.
The cellar inventory list for events is sorted by Sparkling, Dry Whites, Dry Reds (by appellation), and Dessert and Fortified wines. It reflects the wines that are available today, except as noted as reserved for another event. Generally, you will need to select one reception Champagne, one first course white wine, four reds for two meat dishes, and a dessert Sauternes or Port. Please select mature wines that are ready to drink now. Drinkability windows are listed on the right side of the inventory list.​
Please choose those wines that show enough bottles for your expected turnout. By default, we usually plan on 4 bottles of each red for a luncheon and 6 each for dinners. As such, please note that wines shown in quantities of a multiple of 4 are intended for luncheons and those in multiples of 6 are intended for dinners. There is a crossover at 10 & 12 in which case they are available for either.
For Commandeurers who like a more detailed analysis of consumption: The formula that works for us is 1/4 bottle of Champagne per person, 1/4 bottle of dry white per person, 7/10 bottle of dry red per person, and 1/10 bottle of dessert wine per person. In total, we will consume 1.0-1.3 bottles of wine per person. This formula has been back tested for three years and it is a (nearly) bullet-proof formula for luncheons and dinners alike.